Tuesday, November 12, 2002

Today, we made it all the way back to Oklahoma. We also got the $90.30 that the ETSS finally sent, woohoo! So, with that money, we paid for our post office box, got her some new glasses (well, new lenses anyway, for only $10 with Medicaid), filled the gas tank up, and went to Chili's for some amazing food.

So, anyway, I've been thinking a lot about the baby... It's kind of scary that it may need surgery as soon as it's born, because, hey, I'm 22 years old and never once had to have any kind of surgery. I don't think I've ever felt this way about anything, but I still don't really show it to anybody because I've been taunted most of my life about even being with a girl. But, if things do work out the way I hope they do, it is going to be a good experience for all of us involved. It's going to be kind of weird when the baby grows old enough to have an intellectual conversation with me.

Well, for the link of the day today, I think I'll choose http://www.itpaystolearn.com/, a site that you can make money on by answering multiple choice questions. I've been there over a year, try it out.

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