Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Well, seems TCIM has slowed down. Ever since Sunday, it's been pretty slow. It's been about 300 seconds (five minutes, but our timers count in seconds), which means that if I take 40 calls in a day, that's about one 1 hour 40 minutes a day of just sitting there. I don't mind it being like that, but when it gets exceptionally slow, I get sent home early, which means I'll just work more time on another day, which isn't too fun.

Let's see, what else is new... I beat Final Fantasy 1 of Final Fantasy Origins. Now I'm working on Final Fantasy 2, which is the only Final Fantasy that I've never beaten. I don't like the level system very much, but maybe it'll get better the more I play. Also, right now I'm downloading The Core, but it looks like it's going to take forever. Not enough users sharing it.

Well, that seems to be it for now. Life's been pretty routine, nothing interesting to talk about. Latah.

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