Monday, August 16, 2004

Well, things seem to be going good sometimes and bad others. I'm still trying to get over this cold or whatever it is that you want to call it. Its much better than it has been, but my nose is still constantly runny. Hopefully I'll be completely over it in the next couple of days. What else has happened... Well, I finally got my new shoes. They were $17.00 at Wal-Mart. Just some plain old black boots. I don't have to walk on holes anymore now, thank God!

Tomorrow is going to be another plasma donation day. We're trying to save up as much money as we can from donating so that we can go visit Mom for a few days, but it isn't easy. When you only make $80 a week from selling your body fluids, it's hard to save. We spend most of it on eating out the day of donating and bus tickets. After all of that is said and done, we only have about $10 left, or $20 a week. We also like to buy a few things while we're away from the Center of Hope. Well, hopefully in a month's time we will be able to leave this acursed place for a weekend!

That's all for now. Keep those comments coming!

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