Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Well, time for some pictures. First, my new pickup. It's nothing special, but we finally have that second vehicle, yay!

Next is a picture of our newest addition to the family, Elise Hannah Fox. In this picture, she is almost 7 months old, and, can you believe it, smiling!

Next is a picture of my cousin, Jamie. This picture is inside Anna's house in Detroit, TX. I believe this picture was taken the day after his father, James, passed away.

Finally, a picture of my other cousin, Amber, holding Elise. She is pregnant in this picture, although you can't really tell it, with her second baby. Her first baby, like ours, passed away.

Alright, well, that wraps it up for this session.


Anonymous said...

she looks so much like you..

are you happy? truely happy with your life?

by the way, you need to update your email address in 'contact'

Anonymous said...

She so beautiful.. its indescribable... same sweet eyes.
