Friday, August 01, 2003

I'm at Mom's again. This is probably the last time for a while, but who knows. Kim is at work right now; I'm just waiting here until she either calls me to pick her up or until 10:00 PM, when she gets off. Well, anyway, lately Kim, Michael, Justin, and I have been playing Dungeon's and Dragons. It's a roleplaying game I've wanted to play for a long time, since I first found some DnD books that my dad had. It's a game of your imagination where you determine the success of actions with dice. Kim likes it so much that she's writing adventures for it already! I'd have never expected that. I guess RPG's are just addicting. :)

Also, Kim and I got a new dog. A female chihuahua. Her name was Prissy, but we decided to change it to Sasha. Her hair is a little longer than any other chihuahua that I've seen, but I like it. It was actually an early birthday present from Kim.

Hmm... I was also approved by TCIM for the job, they just don't have any hours for me yet. I'm supposed to call next Thursday and see how things are going. Hopefully I'll have the job back so we can start moving on.

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