Sunday, January 26, 2003

It's Sunday, the day before the beginning of the new work week. It's been the same old stuff at work, not much to say for that. We've been preparing for the new baby, which we got new pictures of. It is definitely a girl, woohoo! In case you didn't know, we've decided on the name Celes Elise. If you're not sure how to pronounce it, say it like celestial, minus the tial. Like "suh-less." Anyway, so far we have a bunch of newborn size diapers, wipes, the crib, a bunch of stuffed animals, pacifiers, and a bunch of other small random stuff. Also, this weekend I bought Kim a Valentines bear. It's purple, but depending on the way you rub it, it can look like two different colors. She also got me a watch (which looks really cool, I plan to wear it out!), and a small plush bear.

The site to check out tonight is It's got a bunch of small flash games you can play to keep your pet healthy and happy. Great layout, check it out.

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