Wednesday, November 13, 2002

So far today has been uneventful and disappointing. While at my Mom's a couple of days ago, Kim's mom called and asked me if I would take a job working at a restaurant with Rick's brother's wife, who is like a manager or something there. Well, turns out, they were only hiring if they fire somebody (who they said they probably will be pretty shortly), but I still don't think my chances of getting on there are very high. So, anyway, we went to a Dollar Store in Coalgate and a feed store in Atoka. Neither were hiring, and I got the same old reply that "we're not hiring right now, but things may change, so we'll just keep this application on file." Blah. I'm tired of hearing that. I've also wrote up a new résumé, maybe this will help increase my chances of getting a job. I can only hope so.

Now that Kim has her new glasses on the way, I really, really wish I could get new glasses. The glasses I'm wearing right now are all lopsided, and held together with glue. The nose pieces are stained a light green from sweat, and right above is the big brown splotch of glue holding the frame together from when Kim accidentally broke them (by just giving me a hug). The frame is also bent, and the lenses are both crooked. I bet this is the reason I've been getting more headaches lately. I really hate how I feel in public with these things on; I feel like everybody's looking, so I have to keep my head ducked, even when I'm talking to people. I've even had dreams about these stupid glasses. I'm really tired of them. Maybe when I get a job, I can get new ones, but geeze, that seems so far away.

Also, my aunt sent me a link about dilated kidney's in pregnancy. It is a link to an online forum, located here. It makes me feel a little better, but I still wish the problem would just vanish.

So, anyway, for today's link, go to They have lots of software for internet stuff. Enjoy.

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